Fighting off Mosquito Attacks! Five Effective Mosquito Repelling Methods for Your Homes
There are many different mosquito prevention methods that can be easily found on the internet. But which method is truly effective? How can one effectively repel mosquitoes? Nobody wants to be a buffet for mosquitoes. In addition to using mosquito prevention methods, it’s also helpful to understand who is more prone to mosquito bites!
If you’ve ever wondered why mosquitoes always seem to target you even when you’re in a room full of people, Sheng Yuan Herbs is here to not only provide you with mosquito prevention methods but also to explain the possible reasons for mosquito bites. We offer you a comprehensive home mosquito prevention strategy!

Who are likely targets for mosquito attacks?
Stop believing in the myths of having an acidic body or being blood type O. Mosquitoes primarily locate their prey through smell, heat, and vision. In other words, whether or not you will be targeted by mosquitoes depends on the strength of the signals you emit. Factors such as the release of carbon dioxide during breathing, lactic acid in sweat, body temperature, humidity, and metabolic byproducts of skin bacteria are all elements that attract mosquitoes to approach you.
Reason #1 for attracting mosquito bites: CO2 from respiratory metabolism
The average concentration of carbon dioxide in the air is around 0.03%. However, humans exhale carbon dioxide at a concentration of about 4%. Mosquitoes can sense this even from a distance of 36 meters from their prey. Therefore, individuals with larger lung capacity, active behavior, restless children, or those who have just finished exercising are more likely to become targets for mosquito bites.
Reason #2 for attracting mosquito bites: high body temperature
Mosquitoes use two modes of detection when targeting prey. For long-range detection, they rely on sensing carbon dioxide. However, for short-range detection, they rely on cues such as body temperature, humidity, color, and the odor of carbohydrate metabolites like lactic acid. Therefore, individuals with higher body temperatures or areas of the body with higher temperatures, such as the forehead, neck, wrists, and elbows, are more susceptible to mosquito bites.
Reason #3 for attracting mosquito bites: body scent
In addition to body temperature, factors such as skin moisture (humidity) and sweat are also major attractants for mosquitoes. The lactic acid scent, body odor, and beauty products containing floral fragrances or ingredients like fatty acids are all reasons that make individuals more prone to mosquito bites. Furthermore, women who are pregnant or have higher estrogen levels are more susceptible to mosquito bites due to hormonal changes that lead to increased sweating.
Reason #4 for attracting mosquito bites: color
Colors can influence mosquito visual stimulation and, consequently, affect their flight direction. Mosquitoes do not prefer red light, infrared light, orange light, or yellow light. Dark-colored clothing, on the other hand, is attractive to mosquitoes in low-light conditions. Dark-colored clothing tends to absorb heat and retain carbon dioxide, making it an ideal guide for mosquitoes. If you don’t want to be bitten by mosquitoes, you may want to consider wearing light-colored clothes!
P.S. However, body odor is the dominant factor that attracts mosquitoes. If they are attracted to your scent, wearing white clothes won’t help you escape their attention.
Reason #5 for attracting mosquito bites: beer consumption
Some researchers found that consuming beer significantly increases the likelihood of being bitten by mosquitoes. So, if you don’t want to be bitten by mosquitoes, it’s advisable to avoid drinking alcohol when outdoors. Alcohol promotes blood vessel dilation, making you a prime target for mosquitoes to feast on!

How to reduce itching from mosquito bites?
- Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with water to make a paste and apply it to the mosquito bite. This can help neutralize the formic acid present in the bite.
- Apply a small amount of soap or soapy water to the affected area to neutralize the formic acid.
- Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Applying aloe vera gel to the mosquito bite can help relieve itching.
- Applying a warm compress can help suppress histamine reactions and alleviate itching. If you don’t have anything to apply topically, you can try using a warm compress to soothe the discomfort of the mosquito bite.
- Instead of scratching, try pressing on the bite. Use your fingernail to create a cross or apply pressure for five minutes. This can help alleviate itching.
Natural Mosquito Prevention Tips for Homes
Prevention tip #1:
As mentioned earlier, mosquitoes dislike red, yellow, and orange colors. Therefore, wearing light-colored clothing is a physical method of mosquito prevention. Additionally, replacing indoor or doorway light bulbs with colors that mosquitoes dislike or using orange-colored glass film to cover the bulbs is also a good home mosquito prevention method.
Prevention tip #2:
Using laundry detergent and soap, you can create soapy water and place it in various corners of the room. The fragrance of the soap will attract mosquitoes to lay their eggs in the water. However, the mosquito larvae will die due to lack of oxygen. This method can help prevent the continuous invasion of mosquitoes.
Prevention tip #3:
Insects, including mosquitoes, dislike the scent of citrus peels such as lemon, grapefruit, orange, or tangerine peels. Any plant from the Rutaceae family can work as well. After drying the peels, you can place them in corners of the room or grind them into powder along with mugwort and burn them to repel mosquitoes. If you find this process too troublesome, Sheng Yuan Herbs also offers natural herbal mosquito repellent pouches. They are made from natural, non-toxic herbs, without chemical additives or preservatives. You can hang them near your bed or at the entrance of the room for effective mosquito prevention.
Prevention tip #4: poisonous sugar water trap for mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are attracted to sugar water. To create a lure, prepare a 5% sugar water solution and add boric acid to the mixture at a ratio of 1:100. Place the mixture in corners to attract mosquitoes, and when they consume it, they will die. However, if there are children or pets in the house, extra caution should be taken to prevent accidental ingestion.
Prevention tip #5: disinfect living environment with bleach water
The most effective home mosquito prevention method is probably to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds. In addition to regular cleaning and removing stagnant water, you can use diluted chlorine bleach to disinfect and inhibit the breeding of disease-carrying mosquitoes. Dilute chlorine bleach at a ratio of 1:100 (1 part bleach to 100 parts water) or mix 40 milliliters of bleach with 10 liters of water to wipe down the living environment effectively.
The above methods are natural home mosquito prevention methods! But what if you’re outdoors? You can protect yourself from bug bites with Sheng Yuan Herbal Mosquito Repellent! It is made with Taiwanese Hinoki essential oil and various natural herbal extracts. It is natural, non-toxic, and free from chemical additives, so you don’t have to worry even if children or pets accidentally ingest it.
Now, grab a bottle of Sheng Yuan Herbal Mosquito Repellent and enjoy your time outdoors with peace of mind!