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What to Do with Postpartum Hair Loss? 5 Ways to Improve Your Postpartum Hair Loss Woes

What to Do with Postpartum Hair Loss? 5 Ways to Improve Your Postpartum Hair Loss Woes

“What’s happening to me?”

Pregnancy and childbirth bring a series of changes for women. The body undergoes rapid transformations in a short period. Various complex emotions accompany anticipation, joy, nervousness, and anxiety.

Hair is not only a reminder but also a signal from the body. Hairstyle, hair volume, and hair condition can also affect how others perceive us.

“Increased hair loss, receding hairline” – the astonishing amount of hair loss troubles you, as parenting keeps you busy and the journey to hair recovery seems distant.

Will my hair grow back? Don’t worry; Sheng Yuan Herbs has a solution for your hair!

Hair Tonic for Nourishing Hair and Strengthening Hair Roots

Hair Tonic for Nourishing Hair and Strengthening Hair Roots

“Look! I noticed significant hair loss on my forehead, it wasn’t like this before…” “I’ve noticed a significant decrease in hair volume on the top of my head and it’s very obvious…”

Accompanied by exclamations, lamentations, and embarrassment, whether it’s the inner monologue or the expressed frustration bursting out.

Do these words sound familiar? Perhaps you’ve said them yourself, or heard them from others.

In fact, the age group concerned about hair troubles might be younger than you think.

“Health preservation” and “hair care” are no longer topics only for the elderly. Many middle-aged individuals have quietly begun to pay attention and seek suitable “hair care strategies” for themselves!

Hair needs care too. In addition to shampoo, many people use hair tonic to maintain hair quality and volume as well as  promote scalp health.

Now is the time to start the “fitness routine” for hair as best suited for you!!

How to effectively reduce inflammation and relieve itching from bug bites?  Two recommended anti-itching methods to resolve sensitivity issues.

How to effectively reduce inflammation and relieve itching from bug bites?  Two recommended anti-itching methods to resolve sensitivity issues.

As the weather gets warmer, mosquitoes and other insects become more active, making it easier to get bitten. When you return home from outdoor activities, you may find your legs covered in itchy red bumps,

How to Deal with Scars on Wounds? Choose the Right Scar Ointment for Minimizing and Lightening Scars

How to Deal with Scars on Wounds? Choose the Right Scar Ointment for Minimizing and Lightening Scars

we want to guide you through understanding what scars are, establishing a basic knowledge of skin scars, introducing common types of scars, and sharing recommendations for scar gels and scar ointments for achieving scar lightening. Through the correct skin care methods, we aim to provide the best protection for damaged skin.

What is Psoriasis? Avoiding Skin Conditions from Psoriasis by Understanding the Four Major Causes and Choosing the Appropriate Treatments

What is Psoriasis? Avoiding Skin Conditions from Psoriasis by Understanding the Four Major Causes and Choosing the Appropriate Treatments

When we notice patches of redness and excessive skin flakes, it is likely a symptom of psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic and recurring inflammatory skin disease, also known as plaque psoriasis or psoriasis vulgaris. Since the symptoms of psoriasis and eczema can be similar, it can be difficult to distinguish between the two.

How to Get Rid of Acnes Without Leaving Behind Scars! Understanding Different Types of Acne Scars and How to Reduce Their Appearance

How to Get Rid of Acnes Without Leaving Behind Scars! Understanding Different Types of Acne Scars and How to Reduce Their Appearance

Acne is not only the number one enemy of skincare but also a common skin problem that people of different ages may encounter. It not only affects our appearance but can also lead to low self-confidence or constant state of misery.

In order to make acne “disappear without leaving a trace,” it is crucial to take care of our skin and prevent acne scars. Today, we will introduce you to common types of acne scars and share recommended methods for reducing acne scars and wound scars, allowing us to say goodbye to scarred skin with ease!

How to Choose Ointment for Bedsore? Understanding Causes and Prevention for Bedsores

How to Choose Ointment for Bedsore? Understanding Causes and Prevention for Bedsores

When caring for elderly family members who are bedridden or wheelchair-bound at home, it is important to be aware of common bedsore issues. Since they may have difficulty changing their positions on their own, the doctor will not only advise us to regularly turn and reposition our family members but also pay special attention to common bedsore problems.

What to Do with Stretch Marks from Pregnancy?  Learning about the causes and recommended stretch mark removal cream products for prevention

What to Do with Stretch Marks from Pregnancy?  Learning about the causes and recommended stretch mark removal cream products for prevention

Can stretch marks be prevented or minimized? Learning about the causes for stretch marks. Using exercises and weight control along with massaging with stretch mark creams to help care and moisturize skins to reduce stretch marks from occurring.

What is Ganoderma Microsporum Immunomodulatory protein(GMI)? Introduction to efficacy of Ganoderma Microsporum Immunomodulatory protein? (GMI)  and direction of use.

What is Ganoderma Microsporum Immunomodulatory protein(GMI)? Introduction to efficacy of Ganoderma Microsporum Immunomodulatory protein? (GMI)  and direction of use.

What is Ganoderma Microsporum Immunomodulatory protein? (GMI) ? Ganoderma Microsporum Immunomodulatory protein (GMI) has the benefit of balancing body constitution. How do we choose the right type of GMI and direction of use? Introduction to GMI’s benefits and direction of use.

What to Do with Gum Bleeding? Comprehensive Analysis of the Causes of Gum Bleeding, Swelling, and Bad Breath

What to Do with Gum Bleeding? Comprehensive Analysis of the Causes of Gum Bleeding, Swelling, and Bad Breath

How to deal with gum bleeding? “When brushing your teeth, the foam you spit out is mixed with streaks of blood,” “When eating, suddenly a burst of a bloody taste spreads in your mouth.” Do you also experience these situations from time to time? What are the reasons for occasional gum bleeding? Does gum bleeding also cause bad breath? Let’s explore the issues related to gum health.

Want to Get Rid of Enlarged Pores and Tighten them? Mastering Skincare Strategies Can Help Tighten the Skin.

Want to Get Rid of Enlarged Pores and Tighten them? Mastering Skincare Strategies Can Help Tighten the Skin.

Many people feel frustrated due to large pores on their faces and other areas. Although it may come as a surprise, individuals with enlarged pores are not limited to the elderly; young people can also experience the same condition. If left untreated at a young age, pores will only continue to enlarge, leading to an uneven skin surface and a dull complexion. Prolonged neglect of this condition can make one appear older than their actual age. For those currently bothered by enlarged pores, it’s time to take action and start a skincare routine!

Fighting off Mosquito Attacks! Five Effective Mosquito Repelling Methods for Your Homes

Fighting off Mosquito Attacks! Five Effective Mosquito Repelling Methods for Your Homes

There are many different mosquito prevention methods that can be easily found on the internet. But which method is truly effective? How can one effectively repel mosquitoes? Nobody wants to be a buffet for mosquitoes. In addition to using mosquito prevention methods, it’s also helpful to understand who is more prone to mosquito bites!

What to do about skin dullness? Identify the causes of skin dullness and four skincare remedies:

What to do about skin dullness? Identify the causes of skin dullness and four skincare remedies:

What can be done about skin dullness? Despite diligent skincare efforts, achieving a Snow White-like flawless complexion remains elusive. Even with makeup, dull skin lacks radiance, making the complexion appear weary and lackluster. How can you improve this situation?

How Often Should You Use a Facial Mask? Can You Use It Every Day? Essential Tips for Using Facial Masks

How Often Should You Use a Facial Mask? Can You Use It Every Day? Essential Tips for Using Facial Masks

Using a facial mask is the simplest and quickest way for common people to take care of their skin. But how long should you leave a mask on? How often should you use one? Can you use a facial mask every day? What should you do after using a mask? Do you know the correct answers to these common myths and questions about facial care?

To ensure that your skincare efforts are not in vain and that each mask you use is effective, let’s review whether your facial mask application and understanding are correct!

慈禧太后の美容秘方 | 慈禧太后はどのようにして美肌を保ったのか?

慈禧太后の美容秘方 | 慈禧太后はどのようにして美肌を保ったのか?

歴史の記載に依りますと、慈禧太后(西太后)は美容の手入れが行き届き、70歳を越えても40歳代の美しい女性のようだったそうです。慈禧太后は漢方の美容保養と、漢方医による養生に大変熱心で、慈禧太后が保養に使用した漢方薬は百種類を超え、彼女の美容秘方は少なくても13種類以上あると言われています。それは青春を永遠に留め、年齢に屈しない為でした。今、伝説の中の慈禧太后の美容の秘方は一体どんなものかを見てみましょう。 慈禧太后の美容の秘方 ● 玉容散 玉容散は清朝光緒年間に、宮廷医の李徳立と荘守和等が、金代の宮廷の女性が洗面用に使っていた「八白散」の処方を応用して、慈禧太后のために特別製造した宮廷の秘方です。当時慈禧太后の肌は荒れていたのですが、五十歳過ぎて玉容散の使用を始めて、その後しっとりした白い美肌を取り戻したそうです。玉容散の処方が民間に伝わって、各種の異なる処方箋が出現しましたが、《醫宗金鑒》に記載されている玉容散の処方は下記の通りです。 ❏ 白牽牛(ケンゴシ)、団粉(緑豆から作ったでん粉)、白蘞(びゃくれん)、細辛(サイシン)、甘松(カンショウ)、鴿條白(コウジョウハク)、白蓮蕊(ビャクレンズイ)、白芷(ビャクシ)、白術(ビャクジュツ)、白僵蚕(ビャクキョウサン)、白茯苓(白ブクリョウ)各30g ❏ 荊芥(ケイガイ)、独活、羌活(キョウカツ)、各15g ❏ 白附子(ビャクブシ)、鷹條白(オウジョウハク)、白扁豆(ビャクヘンズ)、各30g ❏ 防風(ボウフウ)、15g ❏ 白丁香(ハクテイコウ)30g 用法は全部の薬材をパウダーにして、缶に密封し、冷暗所で保存します。使うときには、10~20gをとり出し、清水、卵白またはヘチマ水で糊状にして顔に塗り、軽くマッサージして、5分後に清水で洗い流せばいいのです。 ● 栗荴散 若返りと皺を除く効果があるそうですが、実は天津栗の殻の内側の薄い膜を細 かくしてハチミツに混ぜた後、顔に塗り、30分後に洗い流します。 卵一個に小さな穴を開けて、黄身を取り除き、卵白だけ残して、硃沙の粉末をいっぱいに詰めて蝋で封じます。鶏の巣のなかに入れて親鶏に温めさせ、他の卵が孵化した後にこの卵をとり出します。卵白と硃沙の混合物を顔に塗り、乾いてから洗い流すと、お肌に紅がさして透き通る白さになるそうです。 慈禧太后の保養秘方 外から施すだけでなく慈禧太后には、内服の保養秘方があり、比較的に知られているのは、朝鮮人参と真珠パウダーです。慈禧太后は何もない時には人参を口に入れて、溶けそうになったら呑みこみ、次の一片を銜えるそうです。真珠パウダーは十日に一度服用し、毎回の量は小さじ一杯だそうです。これらは長寿、鎮静効果があります。このほか、慈禧太后は飲食での保養には大変注意したようです。 1.決して冷たい食物を口にしない:漢方医は、寒気は身体の気血の邪魔をして、脾臓と胃の不快を起こしやすいと言います。そこで慈禧太后のシェフ達は運搬できる小型の炉を準備して、慈禧太后がお腹が空いた時にその場で煮て作り、温かい食物を食べられるようにしました。 2.お茶養生:昔はお茶を飲むと長寿になるとして、慈禧太后はお茶の中にバラの花、ジャスミンなどの季節の花を加えていました。現代医学からみれば適量の紅茶や緑茶、ウーロン茶には確かに清熱解毒作用がありますが、茶性は寒(冷え)で、お腹にガスが溜まったり、下痢の時には飲まない方がいいのです。 3.消化の良い食物を選ぶ:飲食のバランスをとるために、慈禧太后の朝食はお粥一杯です。お粥はとても消化がよく、また栄養のある食べ物で、現代の観点では、どのような処方や飲食、どんなに栄養がある者でも、吸収できなかったらすべて無駄で、体質を調えたかったらまず胃腸の調整から始める事を提案します。胃腸が強健ではじめて多くの利用を吸収できるのです。 慈禧太后の美容秘方はどうかなと思う所もありますが、玉容散は本当に存在していたのです! 生元草本は、忙しい皆様に国宝クラスの美容保養秘方を体験していただくために、自分で調合する面倒を取り除き、漢方ハーブマッドを基底に、真珠パウダー、天然磁気活水、及びソウハクヒ抽出液等のお肌を潤わせる養顔成分を加えて、現代女性が必要とするものに一層するを保養処方を研究開発して、慈禧玉容美白パックと、慈禧玉容美白ソープを製造し、今は慈禧玉容美白パックの試供品の優待がありますので、至急申し込んでください!

How To Choose Mosquito Repellants for Kids? Need to Understand Which Sprays Have Safe Yet Effective Ingredients!

How To Choose Mosquito Repellants for Kids? Need to Understand Which Sprays Have Safe Yet Effective Ingredients!

There are many different types of mosquito repellents on the market, such as mosquito repellents, mosquito repellent patches, mosquito repellent bracelets, mosquito sprays, mosquito repellent cartridge, or even apps claiming using high frequency waves to